01737 812132
a.k.a. "The Rat"
Withybed Corner,
KT20 7UJ

Information about The Bell/The Rat, Walton on the Hill Guest Ales at The Bell/The Rat, Walton on the Hill Suggested Walks around Walton on the Hill What's on at The Rat Directions to The Bell/The Rat, Walton on the Hill
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4 pm onwards

12 noon onwards

Link to Brakspear's Website

• Guest ales
• Beer garden
• Parking
• Occasional live music
• Dogs on leads welcome
• Regret children not allowed inside BUT very welcome in the garden
• Catering provided for events, parties, large groups - please telephone for details
Inside The Bell/The Rat, Walton on the Hill Front of The Bell/The Rat, Walton on the Hill Beer Garden at The Bell/The Rat, Walton on the Hill

Rat's T'Ale
The Rat's Very Own Brew

In the middle of the woods at the very end of Withybed Corner, having negotiated a few potholes on the way (after rain!), is a little haven called The Bell; or ’The Rat’, as that is what The Bell is known as in Walton on the Hill (a small village in Surrey) and the surrounding areas. 

You will be made very welcome by Gordon and Linda, the proprietors, or one of the friendly bar staff; offered a choice of real ales, lagers, wines or spirits and, if you feel peckish, there are the usual packeted snacks.  Warm your feet (and your dog!) by open log fires in winter, and relax by the pond in the beer garden in summer, soaking up the sun.

This unspoilt popular village pub is a rarity these days, boasting two small bars (remember public and saloon bars?) and no ‘gastro’ attachment - which is much appreciated by the local clientele.

Occasionally there is live music on a Sunday with bands, solos and duos covering Rock, blues,  and 60s music.

The Bell, The Rat, call it what you will; but a visit is well worth the effort.  Pop in for a pint and a chat with the bar staff or friendly ‘regulars’, sit and relax, and enjoy the past and the present merging.

History of The Bell
Early Picture of The Bell/The Rat, Walton on the Hill 1905 Picture of The Bell/The Rat, Walton on the Hill Another Early Picture of The Bell/The Rat, Walton on the Hill
The site of the Bell was purchased by the Page & Overton brewery in 1854 and sold Mitcham Ales but only got a wine and spirit licence in 1950.

Withybed Corner derived its name from the practice of cultivating withies in the local mere. These were used in the manufacture of bricks at the local Brick Foundry.

Why The Rat?  There are many speculations about this.

One is that it got its nickname from WW2 soldiers who served in the Royal Artillery and frequented it.  Two other local tales are that when the railways were being constructed it was called the Railway Arms Tavern; and that the stable boys from Epsom drank there as it was an ale house and cheaper than public houses with a full licence.  These stable lads were known locally as The Rats.

But who knows the true reason.

Try your own research and, if you can come up with a verifiable answer, I’m sure the landlord would stand you a pint.

The local Village of Walton-on-the Hill is well known for visiting famous politicians and dignitaries, especially during the war as it is tucked away but accessible from London.  One local story is that the future King Edward V1 and Mrs Simpson met in The Bell as it was such a secluded venue.  A tryst with a twist, what a great name for a cocktail.  But no cocktail for Mrs Simpson as it was still an ale house, perhaps she enjoyed a swift half!